Improve your skills, develop your writing and watch them publish your work.

For beginning (and beginning again!) writers, Sara’s Daily Writing Prompts is the push you were looking for to bring your writing from occasional to professional.

Sign Up today to receive free tips, tricks and tools every Sunday through Thursday to challenge you and encourage you to write, edit, pitch and submit!

Writing skills with a proffesional


Clean Prose with Your Voice

For a writer, the only thing worse than a poor editing job is an overedit. No one wants her voice lost to that of the editor’s. Sara uses a light touch that cleans the grammar, style and spelling without strangling a writer’s individual voice.

Build the Foundation of Your Career

In-person and online classes in a group setting allow writers to learn from their teacher and each other. With clarity and focus, Sara teaches the skills and tools needed to build confidence and launch their own careers.

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

With the right tools, you can make a living writing. Sara’s one-on-one coaching program provides writers with the courage needed to conquer any task. With a clear goal setting program and personal meetings either online or in- person, Sara can help you let go of fear and start submitting your work.

Join a class today
Writing skills for women

About Sara S.

I am Sara Sumner and I’m an editor, teacher and writing coach and the author of two traditionally published novels. I provide new writers with the skills and tools needed to build confidence, launch their own careers and start making money.


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Questions? Inquiries? 
Connect with Sara to begin your writing career today!
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