Write | Edit | Submit!

Do you love to write but don’t know how to translate your talent into a career?

Have you been discouraged by rejection?

Are you unsure how to make the book in your head a reality?

I’ve been there.

It took me fifteen years to complete my first novel.

15 years of doubt.

15 years of fear.

15 years of imposter syndrome.

Writing skills for women
teaching writing illustration

It was the mentors

It was the mentors in my life that helped me stop dreaming and start doing. If it weren’t for their encouragement, I would have never pushed forward with my writing. I would never have found the confidence and strength within myself to complete my writing and get published. Now I want to pass my knowledge on to you.

So, what are you waiting for?

Don’t let fear hold you back any longer.

Sara Sumner’s one-on-one coaching meetings and group workshops are the perfect way to build confidence and launch your writing career.

Contact Sara today to overcome the doubts and fears and start writing.

Work with Sara

One-on-One Coaching

Learn the tools and hone the skills to begin your writing career.

Sara’s four-session, individualized coaching program allows you to focus on one genre or style of writing and find success through skill training and weekly critiques. Focus your writing to pinpoint the career you have always dreamed of pursuing.

Developmental Editing

Organize your thoughts and ideas into a solid novel outline or book proposal.

Let Sara help you write the book you always dreamed of. With one-on-one, in-person or online meetings, Sara will assist you to set goals and meet them so that you can see your idea become a reality.

Workshop Groups

Get yourself writing (or writing again!) with all the benefits of a group!

Join a weekly workshop group to increase your productivity through accountability and hone your skills through peer and teacher critiques. Submit pieces based on weekly writing prompts or write your own ideas. There is nothing like a group to bring out the best in every writer.

Contact Sara

Questions? Inquiries? 
Connect with Sara to begin your writing career today!
Contact Me