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JWWS – Are You In?

I always knew I wanted to write. Whether it was going to be as a career or as an outlet, I wasn’t so sure. My life took quite a few turns from wanting to be a figure skater to wanting to be the Prime Minister of Canada. Then, I considered Lawyer, Actor, Marine Biologist… But through it all, writing was a constant.


In 2005, I left my full-time desk job to stay home with my newborn. Only problem was that a newborn didn’t need as much attention as I imagined. My heart swung back to writing and during my daughter’s morning and afternoon nap, I picked up a pen and began to write. I even considered making writing a part-time career.

The only problem, I had no idea how to begin.

That first year of discovery was an interesting one. I helped restart the Kiryat Sefer Writers’ Group. I attended an all-day conference at Targum Publishers that would eventually (more than 10 year later!) lead to my first book contract. And I attended my very first Jerusalem Writer’s Journey Seminar.

I cannot say I have attended the seminar every year since then, but I have certainly participated more than half a dozen times and each year, I have gained from the classes, camaraderie, catering(!) and connections that I came away with.

Last year felt pretty monumental when Tamar Ansh gave me a shot at running my own workshop. I had a great time and I hope I was able to teach something to those that attended my class. My pitch for this years class was in right before Purim, as requested.

Right before the entire world fell apart.

Now more than ever we need our writers. We need non-fiction to explain away our fears and to validate our emotions. We need fiction as an escape. We need all forms of writing to record the history we are living through right now.

And our writers need support.

And that’s why I was so happy to see Tamar Ansh had found a way to go forward with The JWWS. I’m excited to be participating this year and running a workshop. And I’m especially excited to get to meet not only the remarkable writers that live here in Israel, but women from all over the world that share my passion.

If you haven’t already signed up, don’t miss out!

For more information, please check out The JWWS website.

Sara Sumner

I am Sara Sumner. I am a writer, editor and teacher of fiction and the author of Wherever You Are and Chaos in the Kitchen. I teach writing skills to new writers to help them launch their careers in writing and start making a living writing.