NaNoWriMo @ SofNaNoWriMo – Better late than never!

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When November rolled around last week, I wasn’t ready. Another National Novel Writing Month was about to begin, and I wasn’t ready.

I can throw a dozen excuses out there, but ultimately. Excuses are irrelevant. Action is what counts. And yes, we are over a week into November and I haven’t:

·       Set a goal,

·       Written a word, or

·       Tried to push myself.

Like I am regular to do every single November.

But does that mean I should throw in the towel?

Nope. Uh-huh. No way.

We’re Jewish women. And therefore, we always find a way.

Introducing SofNaNoWriMo 2.0 a.k.a The Courageous Kislev Creativity Challenge

SofNaNoWriMo is a *free* Google group to set goals, get encouragement and make your writing dreams come true.

We have seen a MASSIVE amount of success. With over half a dozen published books emerging from our little group. This includes novels, personal histories and memoirs all outlined, written, researched and/or edited in the month of November.

Starting on the First of Kislev (November 14) we will be committing to setting a writing goal.

YES, it is the month of Chanukah.

YES, we are in the middle of a rather stressful war.

YES, I have family/work/life obligations.

But there will always be something holding us back.

I could fill bookshelves with my excuses. But I would much rather fill them with my published books.

How about you?

Ready to sign up? Send me a message and I’ll add you to the group!

More questions? Read on!

What is NaNoWriMo?

National Novel Writing Month was started by a guy in the US named Chris Bates who decided he wanted to write a novel. So on November first, he and a small group of friends sat down with the goal to write 50,000 (FIFTY THOUSAND!) words in one month. Over the years it has grown into an International event where writers from all over the world attempt the same feat. (In case you are wondering, that is 1,667 words per day or 2,000 words per day without writing on Shabbos)

Do I Need to Write Fiction?

NO! In previous years we have had people that were:

  • Interviewing and researching
  • Writing essays
  • Writing memoir
  • Writing poetry
  • Writing short and long fiction in almost every genre
  • Editing
  • Improving Work ethic

We are a friendly, welcoming bunch. Pick your own goal and come to SofNaNoWriMo for support and encouragement achieving your goal.

What is SofNaNoWriMo?

SofNaNoWriMo is over 50 Soferet members who join together in a Google group to support each other on this awesome and wild journey. From that collaboration, we have already seen a number of books published and a number of other ones well on the way. Joining does not mean you need to write 50,000 words! Set whatever goal is realistic for you and join us daily as we celebrate or suffer with the ups and downs of NaNoWriMo.

Sounds Crazy, Why Do It?

I can give you THREE benefits to NaNoWriMo that have helped me achieve my goals in writing:

  1. To be a writer you have to write! – NaNoWriMo is a great way to start a daily writing habit. Even if you set the goal of only 750 words per day, by the end of November you will have 22,500 words ready to edit and submit! And you will have gotten used to writing everyday. This is a lasting habit that is the most important thing you can do for your writing! (No matter how talented you are, if you don’t write, you can’t publish.)
  2. Turn off that pesky inner editor – I don’t know about you but I’m my own biggest critic. And the first draft is the last place you want an editor to be. Writing at NaNoWriMo speed gives you permission to write poorly! You can always go back later and improve the writing. Remember the only thing you can’t edit is a blank page.
  3. Goal setting – Setting a goal and sticking to it is a lifelong skill that will help you achieve what you want in this world. When you have a large group of people all cheering you on, it makes the goal that much more real and that much easier to achieve. Even if you don’t join SofNaNoWriMo, Cheshvan (November) is a great month to set a goal and work towards it.

How do I sign up?

Please contact me and I will send you an invitation to the group. We are open to women of all ages in any stage of life (single girl to bubie, we have them all).

If you were a member last year, you are still in the group and there is no reason to sign up again.

Please note: SofNaNoWriMo is in no official way affiliated with Soferet or

Sara Sumner

I am Sara Sumner. I am a writer, editor and teacher of fiction and the author of Wherever You Are and Chaos in the Kitchen. I teach writing skills to new writers to help them launch their careers in writing and start making a living writing.