The Leaky Roof

Although not an actual picture of my kitchen, this is the current state of my drop ceiling. There is a slow leak from the neighbors above me. We have spoken to them and they are in the process of fixing the problem. But until then, all I can do is watch the drip drip drip of water on my counter.
This has put three massive topics at the forefront of my mind:

  1. Household repair and maintenance,
  2. Homeowner’s Insurance, and
  3. Interactions with neighbors.

Each one of these topics are timely and fresh as long as you can find a new angle. This is where brainstorming, with a mind map or otherwise, can be a massive help.
For example, insurance is a great topic because it is at the forefront of the argument between trust in G-d and human effort.


Time to capitalize on my leaky roof! Select one of the three topics listed above and either write it at the top of the page or place it in the center of a mind map. Time three minutes and write down as many different ideas that come to mind on that topic. For example, if doing household repair, you could write items like Do-It-Yourself, maintenance to prevent the need for repair or interior design ideas.
Now look at your list and put things together to find five feature ideas. Write up a pitch for each one.