Begin Anew

The great thing about a new month is the ability to turn the page.

How can we be brave enough to cease the opportunity?

Yikes! That is a long time.

At first I stopped because of personal issues.

Then I gave myself the excuse of my website update (still a work in progress all comments are welcome and appreciated!).

Then there was summer vacation and more personal issues.

And finally I had to admit that it was fear that was holding me back. Am I ready to be as professional as my website says I am?

But today is the start of the Jewish month of Elul. It is a time where we are gearing up to prepare for a new year. An opportunity to start over and make ourselves into better versions of ourselves. And I’m starting by getting back to doing what I love! Helping others become the best writes they can be.


Write a creative non-fiction article about a time where you fell off the wagon but got back on.

What inspired you to try again? And can you use that to inspire others?